Membership Dues
Membership Dues are payable by January 1st for the upcoming year

You can pay online using payPal, Venmo or Credit Card on the payment page
Send a check or money order to:

Wawarsing Rod & Gun Club
PO Box 305
Napanoch, NY 12458

New Members Membership fee $50.00 + Initiation fee $50.00

Regular Membership $50.00

Junior Member (18 or younger) $2.00

Senior Member (over the age of 65 and having been a member in good standing for at least 15 continuous years) $25.00

LIFE Member when a member reaches the age of 70 years old and has been a member in good standing for 15 continuous years or more. $15.00

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Wawarsing Rod & Gun Club             PO Box 305 Napanoch, NY 12458