June 2024 NewsletterBack

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Quick note on Current Events:
Current events are always in the newsletter and those current events are then posted on the club site (wrg.club). Moving forward, the web site will be updated with current events as soon as they become known. Things like whether the next meeting is a dinner meeting will be posted as soon as possible.
Check the site now & then ……. wrg.club

The next meeting will be on June 11, 2024. The BOD has volunteered to cook! There will be a Dinner meeting for the June 11th meeting. The dinner starts at 6:30PM and BOD will be cooking a London broil dinner. London broil with corn, potato salad, macaroni salad, and dessert. Join us! Reminder: You must pre-register by sending in a check for $15 call Marianne at 845-626-7968.
All details on dinner registration are here

The 22 caliber long range matches will be on the 300-yard range on Sat. 6/22, Sat. 7/20, Sun. 8/25, Sat. 9/22, and Sat. 10/19. Matches start at 9AM and should be finished about 4 PM. No casual shooting will be on the 300-yard range during the matches. To promote participation, the match fee for 5/26 and 6/22 has been reduced to $5.00 for club members ($10.00 for non members). There is a full complement of targets at various ranges that make this shoot a lot of fun. If you would like to participate in the 22 caliber long range matches, see the match listings on the club calendar for details or contact Mark Fedrizzi (markfedrizzi@yahoo.com)

The 22 Bench Rest Matches at Wawarsing will be on 6/9, 7/7 and 8/4. Matches start at 9AM. No casual shooting will be held on the rim fire range during the match.

Safety Alert – The Skeet division reports finding fired 00 Buckshot shotshells on the skeet ranges. All members are advised to use bird shot NO LARGER than 71/2 when shooting at aerial targets to reduce the chance of shot falling off the club’s property .

Remember – there is no using Tannerite or other exploding targets on the ranges at the WRGC. Explosions disturb our neighbors, and we try to be good neighbors.

The Future of Dinner Meetings are in your hands! Cooks are needed for our monthly dinner meetings! Please consider volunteering to head a team for one of our upcoming dinner meetings. Our Dinner Committee trainer, Glenn Pomerantz, can help guide you through the effort. Contact Glenn at 845.656.1284 or gapref01@gmail.com for more info.

Future Trap Shoots at Wawarsing

Weekly Trap Shoots will be on Thursdays at 5 PM . Fred Trainor is the Trap Chairman and Hank Dawes is his assistant. Call Fred at 845-883-6454 or Hank at 845-564-2270 to see if the shoot will take place.


The skeet division has experienced an overall increase in participation so come out and join us. New shooters always welcome! Instruction and training will be provided to those new to skeet to get them started.
Saturday Skeet shoots are 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month. We are up at the skeet range about 12:30. Shooting will start at 1:00 pm. Weekdays are Tuesday and Friday starting at 9:00 am.
Contact Lou Clemmer, chairman, 845-236-4809 (h) 845-505-2222 (cell), Al Carbonaro, co-chairman, 845-807-7750, or Bill Buskey 845-361-2778 to verify the range will be open